Sunday 24 April 2016

Why I finally joined Arbonne
After attending a discover Abronne event with Amy Breslin and Sarah Dunning  Arbonne finally made sense.
I was so sceptical that it was just going to be another one of those networking companies expecting you to pressure sell and bombard everyone's news feeds on social media.. I couldn't of been more wrong.

Arbonne is a rapidly growing network marketing company that has been around since 1975.
 For anyone that doesn't know network marketing is simply another word for word of mouth referral , this allows companies like Arbonne to cut out all expensive such as advertisement which in turn allows them to focus more on rewarding ordinary people.

What really sold Arbonne for me was seeing regular people like me from very normal backgrounds managing to dramatically change their lives due to joining Arbonne. I listened to how Sarah who had previously been a dancer before joining Arbonne injured herself , ending her dancing career. Which got me thinking about a plan B .. if I  suddenly couldn't work how would I survive If I have nothing to fall back on. 
Already since joining I have met so many people who have been able to give up their full time jobs and their only source of income is now through Arbonne meaning more time with family or friends and more time to focus on themselves. 
One of the things that really stood out for me was when Sarah was talking about ways to make money currently working for a company like many of us do , were just exchanging our time for money, this really hit home , never before had I thought about it quite like that and I realised I didn't want that to be the case for the rest of my life.

I recently watched a video on youtube which really made me question what I was putting on my face before I had never really thought too much about it and to be honest didnt really care so long as it did the trick when it was on, However a question was posed if your lipstick isn't staying on all day then where is it going and realistically were eating it. How many of us can honestly say we know what is in our lipsticks because I certainly couldn't.
However Arbonne products are all 100% plant based products and vegan friendly.
Besides from the reasons above Arbonne Is a great way to build of your self confidence and meet new friends ,I would urge anyone even thinking about joining Arbonne or trying to the products to just do so.
As a freelance Makeup artist I cant wait for clients to start seeing the results from their Arbonne products- here's to the start of a new business adventure


Wednesday 9 March 2016

Bobbi Brown Skincare

Trying to establish a fixed skincare routine has been ongoing for years and for some reason trying to do this with one brand has been way harder for me than I'm sure it should of been.
I do still have a mixture of skincare products in my more advanced routine but here are a few of my Bobbi Brown products I've become quite attached too.

First of all I think its important to point out I have oily- combination skin which is also very sensitive to most things I put of my face, I'm also prone to breakouts if I don't remove my make-up properly , if I'm stressed , hormonal and eating a lot of junk food. 
I defiantly have a love/hate relationship with my skin 99% of the time.

First of all I start with the soothing cleansing oil on dry hands , dry face I use this all over my face in circular motions , if I am wearing make-up you can start to see it gently dissolving away the make-up (its weirdly satisfying ) then I rinse with water and a muslin cloth , or hands if I'm feeling lazy and then repeat with a double cleanse just because I do have oily skin and prefer that squeaky clean feeling. I was always frightened of using oil on oily skin but this cleansing oil contains Jojoba oil which mimics the natural oil already in our body.
Next I follow with the hydrating face tonic - I love this stuff its similar to a toner but instead of containing alcohol it contains mineral water and cucumber so really calming for my sensitive skin , it also contains moisture magnets which means any moisturising products you pop onto the skin will be locked in, followed by the hydrating eye cream to ensure my under eye area stays hydrating and is prepared for any make-up I may apply after.
Moisturise moisturise moisturise ! something I use to be sooo lazy at doing and didn't really understand why my oily skin needed more moisture ( how very wrong I was ) I'm currently using the Vitamin enriched face base which like the name says is jam packed full of vitamins it smells delicious too which is always a bonus.
Finally I like to give my face a little spritz with my face mist and add some lip balm.
This routine applies to both when and when I am not going to be wearing makeup on the day.

For the evening my skin care is pretty much the same , However I do like to switch up my daily moisturiser for a night cream or balm , at the moment I am loving the Decleor Aroma night balm , you only need a pea sized amount and just warm between your fingers before applying.
Lastly if I do have any pesky breakouts I will apply a spot treatment such a Origins super spot remover  or TCP works just as well.

I would love to hear any of your skincare holy grail products especially if you also struggle with oily skin and unwanted breakouts too :)



Monday 1 February 2016

Working For A Makeup Counter

This is where my make-up career really got started. Like most crazed beauty addicts I had always wanted to work on a make-up counter. I just didn't realise that without 'on counter' experience, how difficult it would be. It didn't matter how long I had been doing make-up for, everybody wanted somebody with counter experience.
I often get asked how I got the Job & have currently been working on counters for 3 years. Starting off with Napoleon Perdis in Australia & now Bobbi Brown back here in the UK.
I thought I would share with you guys my experience, after all don't most people think working on a beauty counter is all glitz and glamour? Like most jobs it has its pros and cons.

Lets start with cons :

  • Standing on your feet all day - Don't get me wrong I think I would find sitting on my bum all day for a living just as difficult as standing for 9 hours a day, but having worked for some companies where heels are part of your uniform I did start to loose all feeling in my feet by the end of the day.
  • Having Targets - Most counters will have counter targets and individual targets, if you're continually not hitting target you will usually be pulled up about it. Its also very draining when you don't have the foot flow throughout your store & it seems like no one is willing to part with their cash.
  • Having to wear the brand- This can be really difficult when you've only just started and don't own many products from the company you are working for or if the brand your working for endorses a certain style of make-up your not use. You WILL have to learn to adapt and do your make-up the way the brand requires.
  • Rude customers- I think this one really goes without saying, anyone who has ever worked in retail can relate to this one, however I don't know if its just me but I think some of the customers coming into buy make-up can take it to a whooole other level. There is nothing more dangerous than a women who's ran out of her favourite beauty product, only to tell her its out of stock!
And now the Pros.....
  • The experience- From making mistakes on my own, to master-classes with the top make-up stylists in the company and even the man himself Napoloen Perdis. My confidence has grown no end since working on counter. I've also had some amazing opportunities and learnt more in the last 3 years than I have ever done before.
  • Discount !!- One of the main pros about working for a make up company is of course going to be the discount you get off products. Its a great way to start building you're kit or if your anything like me its just another excuse to hoard as much make-up as possible.. Be warned though long lost "friends" will start to appear asking you to order them stuff.
  • Commission- Like I have already mentioned counters have targets so the more you sell the more money you make.
  • Free Products- who doesn't love free stuff? Especially free make-up! More often than not when you go to training you'll receive free products, also when I started with Bobbi Brown I received 10 free items.. No better welcome than that! 
  • Doing what you love- surely none of us would be working on a beauty counter if we didn't love all things make-up, getting to play with make-up all day is defiantly a plus and meeting women and helping them to feel beautiful really makes it all worth while. 

I hope this gave any of you an in site on what to expect when applying for a job on a make-up counter. Overall as far as jobs go I would have to say we have it pretty good.



Tuesday 26 January 2016

Carli Bybel Palette Review & Swatches

Okay , So I'm Probably the last Make-up fanatic in the world to get my hands on this palette !
But boy was it worth the wait..

I was super excited when Carli announced she was teaming up with BHcosmetics to create an eye shadow and highlight palette , I was even more excited hearing it was only going to cost me $12 .. ( ONLY £8.50 here in the UK )
I hadn't previously owned anything like this , something that contains both eye shadows and highlighters in one. These colours have been designed to look gorgeous on all skin tones, I'm yet to find someone this palette doesn't look great on .

The Palette itself is super lightweight and travel friendly. It contains 10 eyeshadows and 4 highlighters & you can of course use the highlight shades on your eyes as well.
All 14 colours are very pigmented ,very blendable & very wearable.

Top Row
The main reason I love this palette .. The 3 mauve colours Carli has decided to use in this palette, 
there aren't enough eyeshadow palettes containing mauve colours and you'll be surprised to realise they suit everyone , every skin tone and every eye colour they also make the perfect crease colour.
The first and second colours make gorgeous brow bone highlights offering a matte and shimmery option. I also love these colours for all over lid.

Middle Row
Made Up of gorgeous bronze, champagne shimmery colours , with a gorgeous deep chocolate matte shade on the very end to intensify any make up look.
Out of the two rows of eye shadows this middle row is by far my favourite, I'm a sucker for anything super shimmery and sparkly. These colours could defiantly take any look from day to evening very quickly.

Bottom Row
How rare is it to have a highlighter combined in your eyeshadow palette let alone to have 4 !!
These highlighters are to die for. Along with the eyeshadows the pigmentation is unbeatable,
All skin tones have been considered when choosing these gorgeous highlight shades. 
They look beautiful on there own one layered onto of another to create a real intense highlight.

I couldn't think of a better palette for the small price of $12. I think Carli & BH have done an excellent job at choosing such wearable colours with amazing pigmentation.
While my only teeny tiny bit of criticism would be some of the colours are ever so slightly similar, but for the price and colours I think I can over look that :)
I will defiantly be purchasing more BH products after trying this palette.

Leanne xox


Tuesday 19 January 2016

My Beauty Must Haves

With the beauty industry exploding over the last year with more and more exciting new brands bringing out the latest "must have" products its hard to know what works and what is really worth spending our pennies on.
I've put together some of my holy grail beauty products that I am currently reaching for daily and ones I will defiantly be re-purchasing 

1. La Roche Possy Effaclar Duo

This product doesn't get talked about half as much as it should. This is where my journey to good, clearer skin started. Once I hit 20 my skin decided to rebel and I tried nearly every recommend product, some even twice!! Nothing seemed to be working until I stumbled across this product, overnight I instantly noticed a difference, it calmed the redness and reduced the sized of my breakouts. I also found this helped to prevent further breakouts. 
When I first started using this product I used it religiously every night until my skin became clearer, now I only reach for it when I wake up with a nasty surprise on my face. I've lost count the amount of times I've recommend this to anyone with oily, acne prone skin

£15.50 Boots 

2Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powder- Antigua 

Although the name may be a little miss leading this is the most gorgeous Blush. For anyone who knows me, for a blusher to even make it into my beauty must haves knows it must be a pretty big deal. Before I started working for Bobbi Brown the thought of even applying blush didn't even cross my mind when doing my make-up. However working for a company where blush is everything I rapidly had to get use to seeing myself with it on. Fast forward a few months and dare I say it.. I totally notice what a difference it makes.
This blush is the perfect natural, just flushed blush, it looks gorgeous on all ages and all skin tones and with a slight shimmer in and gives a gorgeous glow.

£28.50 BobbiBrown 

3. Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil 

This cleansing oil is a dream, the botanical oils within it help to gently break down make up and any skin impurities without damaging the skin. This product is great for all skin types.. Yes even us really oily girls. I would defiantly have been someone who frowned at the idea of using oily products on my already oily skin, but in actual fact adding oil to oily skin tricks your skin into thinking its producing more oil than it actually is, resulting in it producing less oil ... BONUS !!
Award Winner! Best Cleansing Oil, Social and Personal April 2014.
( It didn't win awards for no reason )

4. Urban Decay DeSlick Setting Spray

I always thought setting sprays were just a gimmick, another bandwagon for everyone to jump on. I have tried my fair share of setting spray and none of them seemed to be working with my oily skin,
However this one proved me totally wrong, The deslick setting spray helps to control oil flow therefore making make-up last longer on oiler skins. I like to apply this both before and after my make-up. I recently ran out and immediately noticed a huge difference in the way my make up was wearing. 

5. Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Fluide 

This foundation works great skin, its oil free and feels like velvet on, it's long lasting, sweat proof and water resistant. Its a very lightweight coverage and looks gorgeous on its own or mixed with other foundations to create a fuller coverage.
Its a little on the pricey side but a lovely luxury foundation. This foundation gives a matte finish and a little side note .. always shake before use.

£35 JohnLewis

6. Beauty Blender 

I feel like everyone along with their mum, sister, aunt etc. should own a beauty blender. I don't think my foundation has ever gone on so effortlessly and I don't remember the last time I applied my foundation with this little gem. This little squishy sponge has totally changed how my foundation applies with flawless, streak free results every time. I am yet to find a foundation I don't love it with,
I have also tried cheaper alternatives which have worked just as well.

The original £16 Beautybay
Real techniques miracle sponge £5.99 Boots  

7. Mac Lipsticks 

I know this is very phage but I couldn't just pick one, two or even three. I feel like everyone who is into make-up owns at least one Mac lipstick. Although I couldn't pick my favourite the matte range would always be my go to (simply because I'm a matte kinda girl).
I love the huge colour range in Mac and how well they last on my lips.
I also think they're amazing value for money considering the quality.

8. Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer 

Before I found this concealer I was always on the hunt for the "ultimate" concealer, Id gone through tons and never managed to finish one, until I fell in love with the this one. It has medium to very build able coverage and doesn't crease. I mainly use this concealer to hide dark circles and highlight underneath my eyes rather than to cover blemishes but I absolutely love it.
This concealer was defiantly popping up on every Beauty gurus Youtube channel and every beauty blog in 2015 , and I will 100% be carrying this way into 2016 with me.

£22 Nars 

Leanne xox 


Sunday 10 January 2016


Bobbi Brown : Instant Detox, Skin Nourish & Radiance Boosting  Mask £33

A good face mask is one of my favourite things, after all who doesn't want fresh, clean and glowing skin? And with the "New year, New me" still fresh in everyone's head and all of us vowing to take better care of ourselves I personally couldn't think of a better way to end the day than with a long bath and face mask.
These Bobbi Brown face mask are fresh on the shelves having only launched this year with multi-masking being introduced to us in 2015 there's no better excuse than  to add more than one of these gorgeous masks into our baskets.
  1. Instant Detox 75ml
This mask removes impurities, pollutants and excess oil from pores without stripping skin, Its like a deep cleanse for the skin, With its unique blend of  Hawaiian sea water and mineral enriched clay it helps to draw out impurities and reduces pore size, while nourishing the skin and never over drying.
Skin instantly looks healthier, clearer and more refined.

For all skin types

To Use: Apply a thin layer on slightly damp skin and allow to dry for 2-5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Use once a week or as needed. Follow with appropriate Bobbi Brown skincare products.

2. Skin Nourish Mask 7ml

Full with Coral Grass and Green Algae powerful moisture magnets this super hydrating face mask instantly quenches dry skin making it appear plumper, smoother and healthier.
This mask can be used up to three times a week, overtime repairing the skins natural moisture barrier and boosting collagen.

For normal to very dry skin types 

How to use: Apply liberally on skin and allow to absorb for 2-5 minutes. Tissue off excess product, then gently massage the remaining product into skin.

3. Radiance Boost Mask 75ml 

An instant boost for plumper. glowing skin. This ex-foliating mask gently removes dead skin cells revealing a smoother more refined skin texture. A light, touch of Orange Oil helps to improve the look of tired dull skin, Featuring superfine walnut grains, Kaolin Clay and super moisturising Algae Extract and Sodium Hydrogenate helping to reduce any excess oil.

For all skin types 

How to use: Apply on damp skin and leave on for 2-5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water while gently massaging skin in circular motions. Use once a week or as needed.

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